Stables and Barnyard


We are currently renovating a small dairy barn with four horse stalls and making repairs to our fields and paddocks. We plan to incorporate a small riding trail, horse jumps, and a dressage arena.


In our Coop we have Splash Marans. These beautiful and friendly birds lay large brown eggs and can yield 4 to 6 eggs each week, making then a terrific option for a small farm stand! In the evening they roost in a chicken wagon so we can easily move them around the farm for insect control and fertilizer.

We have Pygora fiber goats on our farm. Pygora’s are a registered breed originating from AAGBA angoras and NPGA pygmies. Our herd leader Bohr is a very friendly goat with B class fleece. His coat is like a cashmere sweater! We also have two adorable and entertaining female goats, Bitsy-Marie and Itsy-Lise that make up the Parc Ferme herd.”

We sell all our produce and fresh eggs on the farm stand.