The Mighty 1025R John Deere

The Mighty 1025R John Deere April 2, 2024 Nothing runs like a Deere! Last month we purchased a new tractor for our farm. We always knew it would be a John Deere, we love the color, the history, the ease of use, the available attachments, and that the tractors are made by an American company.  […]

Wildflowers, Bees and Trees

Apple trees require pollination. We will need to attract bees to sustain our orchard and as such have planted a wildflower meadow. Working with our farm consultant Max Saffell, we selected a Pennsylvania Wildflower mix from Eden Seeds. The flower mix is made up of both annuals and perennials. This means that we will have […]

Parc Ferme Apple Selection

We have been diligently working with the Penn State Extension team on our Apple Marketability as it is known in the Orchard business. They have given us three guiding principles in which to launch the Orchard @ Parc Ferme. Plant a Variety of Apples to reduce the risk of disease and to support pollination. We […]

Bergamot du Parc Ferme

Our farm flower is wild bergamot. This perennial is in the mint family and also known by its botanical name Monarda fistulosa. It’s a favorite of, you guessed it Bees! Also enjoyed by butterflies and humming birds. Bergamot is native to Pennsylvania producing attractive and fragrant foliage all summer long. The flower heads are two to […]

Thanksgiving on the Farm

Thanksgiving is a holiday of gratitude and I always welcome the opportunity to reflect on my blessings. I am grateful for the beauty of the farm and that I get to live in a pastoral setting with the people and animals that I cherish and love. I am thankful for the commitment William and I […]

The Farm Survey and Orchardgrass

We purchased our farm in May of 2023 and for multiple reasons we were not totally sure what we had bought. The land was promising and so we took a leap of faith! The previous owners of the last 50 years operated a horse farm, but more recently had been retired. The land had been […]

Construction: Phase One

Our home is a 19th century farm house that we are currently renovating and restoring. This month we began Phase One our project with new plumbing and electric coming into the home and demolition of several additions that had been added on over the intervening two centuries! Tim Langhans and the crew from Windy Hill Home Advancement came […]

Fall on the Farm

Golden leaves have abounded on the farm giving a spectacular show of fall foliage. With each season the farm takes on a new look, and as the leaves have begun to fall from the trees we have gotten our first good look at the pond – and it is larger than expected! I have enjoyed […]

The Hen Party @ Parc Ferme

Our 10 chicks are 12 weeks old and growing fast. We chose Splash Marans because they are beautiful birds who lay large brown eggs and can yield 4 to 6 eggs each week making then a terrific option for a small farmstand! Our ladies will not start laying eggs until early March. In the meantime, William and […]

The Greatest of All Time (GOAT)

Meet Bohr the Parc Ferme herd leader! Bohr, and yes he is named for the Dutch physicist Niels Bohr, is an intelligent, handsome year and half old amazing pygora goat! Pygoras are a registered breed of fiber goats originating from AAGBA angoras and NPGA pygmies, and Bohr’s fleece is like a cashmere sweater. I purchased […]